Services We Provide

Trend Softwares
WPF[.Net Core 3] & MFC[C++]

Desktop App Developement

We develop desktop applications in mostly WPF and also in MFC as per cutomer requirement.

Trend Softwares
.Net Core Blazor Apps

Cloud App Developemt

We develop cloud applications and RESTful api over latest .net core 3.0

Trend Softwares

Strategy Coding

We write code for your favorite charting platform based on your requirements.

Trend Softwares
Strategy Dll Conversion

Strategy Protection

We can convert AFL or MQL to C++ DLLs integrated with a license manager system.

Desktop App Developement

We develop desktop applications for different area like trading automation, market data applications, SQL database management system etc. We uses the latest technologies to code our apps. This will ensure the customers the apps are secure and user friendly. For any type of desktop application development, contact us and we will do the rest of it.

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Cloud App Developemt

Cloud application developments are done in blazor the latest microsoft web developement platform. Our team is always learning new technologies to enrich the customers experiance. This website is running in .Net Core 3.0 Blazor Framework. To get a quotation for a new web application development, conact us today.

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Strategy Coding

If you are a stock trader and you have ideas to trade, we can help you to automate and test your ideas in your favorite chart analysis platform. We do coding in Amibtoker Formula Language [AFL] and MetaQuotes Language [MQL4 & MQL5]. Testing and fine turning the strategy will improve system perfomance and also trade winning ratios. Contact us for getting a quaotation for your strategy development in AFL and MQL

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Strategy Protection

Amibroker Formula Language is a plain text format and it doesn't have any protection for the code. To distribute a tresing system in AFL in a secure way, that need to be converted to dlls. We will convert AFL code to C++ dlls which can be used in amibroker. We also will provide a license manager incorparation service for DLL for Amibroker and also DLLs for MetaTrader. To convert a trading system in AFL or MQL contact us.

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